Joint Pain and pain while movement are among the most common problems for which a patient consults a doctor. There are several conditions that affect the normal functioning of the joints leading to the manifestations of different diseases. Injury due to trauma is one of the issues, leading to impaired joint function but the main issues that cause dysfunction in joints are inflammation and degeneration.
The Ayurvedic approach to treatment is very individualised. However, the approach to treatment of patients suffering from Inflammatory conditions differs significantly from that of Degenerative conditions.
It is seen that chronic joint problems tend to be similar after a long time. if inflammatory conditions last long, they lead to degeneration and degeneration over a long period of time leads to inflammation. So patients who suffer from either of these conditions for a long period of time will have combination of inflammation and degeneration which have to be addressed simultaneously.
According to Ayurveda, the initial stages of Inflammatory conditions are considered to be associated with toxicity and are dealt with by detoxification. Detoxification in Ayurveda is three, For mild level of toxicity Ayurveda advocates very light food with warm fluids and rest. For moderate level of toxicity, Ayurveda advocates administration of herbal decoctions that help the liver to metabolise and eliminate the toxins. For toxicity of a high degree, Ayurveda advocates Panchakarma (The five methods of Cellular Bio-purification). Ayurveda also advocates a number of herbs that have a very effective anti-inflammatory action, the main one is Guggulu and it is one of the most important herbs used in Ayurveda for the treatment of Inflammatory conditions. Ayurveda also employs a number of therapies like Dhanyamladhara (Pouring of warm fermented liquid), Abhyanga ( Oil massage), Podikkizhi (Herbal powder massage), Ilakkaizhi (Herbal leaf massage) and a large variety of Vasthis (Enemas) which are very effective for inflammatory conditions. Course of Vasthi as a continuous process numbering 8, 15 and 30 are called Yoga Vasthi, Kala Vasthi and Karma Vasthi respectively and are very effective in reducing very severe inflammation and restoring normalcy. It is seen to be the main tool used in bringing down the inflammatory markers like ESR, CRP etc significantly.
At agasti ayurveda, we have developed excellent products that help relieve the problems like, pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of strength associated with Joint problems. They also help in preventing further degeneration with regular use. Patients who have recently developed the problem invariable respond to these medicines and can prevent further episodes through maintenance comprising of exercises and in some cases anti-degenerative medicines. Those who have very severe problems and those suffering for long duration with the problems require therapies that can be carried out at any of our centres. Those who are in excruciating pain and severe symptoms or other concomitant diseases and complications and who require complete rest and close monitoring would be advised admission at our Hospital in ECR chennai and given treatment comprising of Medicines, Ayurvedic Therapies, Counselling and Physiotherapy. In almost all cases we are able to avoid the need for surgery or powerful drugs which are harmful in the long term.
Very peaceful and traditional ayurvedic center. well experienced Doctors & therapist. last 1 year I had breathing issue after covid I have taken lot of medicine but i didn't breath and active normally. My friend suggested this natural clinic as well. Now I am getting normal activity day by day thank you team. Apart from money I have a great healthy lifestyle. people should visit this place.
My self Saraswathy from andra pradesh. Last 6 years I have struggling with knee pain. As well as I have taken treatment s also. But mot feeling better. My friend suggested this Doctor and as well taken 26 days treatment against my knee problems. Now I am feeling better. Very positive and hygienic place. Staffs are all treated very Friendly totaly good experiences with agasti ayurveda thanks.
Great therapist and naturopathy doctors . I had a serious neck pain problem. I visit the clinic for one time General body massage as well I feel better. Again I consulted with doctor Shyam sir and he gave me a 14-day cervical pain relief therapy program. Now I am feeling much better than before. I will refer pain related peoples to this panchakarma center. Thank you sir.
I was suffering from lower back pain for the past one year..went to several pain management clinics but no cure..even took the Epidural steroid injection (ESI).. Came to the Agastic Ayurvedic clinic and met Dr.Shyamaprasad ..he advised me to have massage treatment for 10days and took the given medicines ..followed the sad diet..for 3 months time.. Now i am okay..sometimes feel no pain at all.. Thanking the Doctor and his skillful team!
என் மகனுக்கு கடந்த 2 வருடங்களாக செரிமான கோளாறு இருந்து வந்தது. பல கேஸ்டோ மருத்துவரை அனுகியும் முழுமையாக சரியாக வில்லை. அதிகபடியான அலோபதி மருந்து உட்கொண்டதால் தூக்கமின்மை பிரச்சனையையாளும் அவதிபட்ட எங்களுக்கு நண்பர் ஒருவர் உதவியுடன் அகஸ்தி ஆயுர்வேத மருத்துவரை சந்தித்து ஆலோசனை பெற்றோம். 1 மாதம் தொடர்ந்து ஆயுர்வேத மருந்துகள் எடுத்த நிலையில். நல்ல முன்னேற்றம் காணப்படுகிறது. எளிமையான முறையில் மருத்துவர் ஷாமபிரசாத் அவர்கள் அல்சர் வியாதியை பற்றி விளக்கினார். அத்துடன் உணவு பட்டியல் ஒன்று தயார் செய்து தந்துள்ளார். தற்போது என் மகன் எந்தவித இடையூறு இன்றி உணவு உண்டு வருகிறான். இதை உங்களிடம் பகிர்வதிள் மகிழ்ச்சி அடைகிறேன். நன்றி
My son had myelitis before 1 year and his right hand and leg got paralyzed then he got cured. But due to that he got some minor problem of walking with his right shoulder down. We consulted many allopathic doctors but everybody said that he won't be cured. I found this hospital in Google based on reviews and was really glad I came here for the treatment. Now he got so better. Doctor Shyama prasad and therapist Chippy were really friendly and was confident that this was just a minor problem for my son. The staff here is also really friendly and they interact with the patient well. I will surely recommend other people about this hospital for spinal problems. and special thanks to cleaning staff Sasi kala