Ayurvedic Treatment for Disc Bulge in Chennai

Ayurvedic Hospital for Disc Bulge in Chennai

We are one of the best Ayurvedic Hospital in Chennai, offer best Ayurvedic Treatment for Disc Bulge in Chennai. Spinal disc herniation, also known as a slipped disc, is a medical condition affecting the spine in which a tear in the outer, fibrous ring of an inter-vertebral disc allows the soft, central portion to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings. Symptoms of a herniated disc can vary depending on the location of the herniation and the types of soft tissue that become involved.

  • Aging – The disc has an outer strong portion that contains the inner portion. It can become weak with age and the inner portion may expand outwards. This is called disc degeneration. The wear and tear owing to the long years of functioning of the disc may cause disc degeneration.
  • Incorrect Posture While Lifting Objects – People don’t give adequate importance to ensuring safety of backbone when they lift heavy objects. As a result, the load of the heavy object will be directly affecting the disc and can lead to slip disc or disc prolapse. People employed in lifting and loading jobs are more prone to this.
  • Obesity – Obese people must require additional muscle strength to support their body. As they may be lacking it, the load will be directly on discs. This is another cause for slip disc and disc prolapse.
  • Fall or Shock – Although, not so common, fall or shock that impact the disc area directly, can cause slip disc. It will damage the exterior strong portion of the disc and can result in the inner portion bulging out.
  • Weakness in the limbs
  • Experiencing numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot
  • Constant and shooting pain in the legs

Symptoms of slip disc

Slip disc will exhibit certain symptoms. However, we may not recognize it as the problem due to disc until it turns adverse, affecting your daily routine or working. The signs and symptoms of slip disc are appended below.

  • little or no pain if the disc is the only tissue injured
  • pain that will radiate into the regions served by affected nerve roots that are irritated or impinged by the herniated material.
  • undefined pains in the thighs, knees, or feet.
  • numbness, tingling, muscular weakness, paralysis, and affection of reflexes
  • If the herniated disc is in the lumbar region the patient may also experience, pain usually continuous or at least is continuous in a specific position of the body.

Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc - disc bulge

Ayurvedic Treatment for Disc Bulge in Chennai

Our rich heritage has answers to all the ailments and physical problems. The thousands of years old ayurvedic scriptures provide a detailed insight into slip disc or grudrasi and have described an elaborate ayurvedic treatment for slip disc. Along with ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, you can consult the experienced and expert Ayurveda doctors at Agasti ayurveda for ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge.

Ayurveda categorized Slip disc-Grudrasi as one of diseases caused by vitiation Vata (one of the principle dosha in the body, responsible for the movement and functionality of the body). Treatment in Ayurveda is aimed at restoring the equilibrium through correction of the underlying functional in-equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatment for Slip disc concentrates on bringing back the aggravated vata to the state of equilibrium and thereby to the state of health. In Ayurveda we are providing very effective and most successful treatment for Slip disc or herniated disc (Grudrasi). With our vast experience in treating Spine related conditions, today we are successfully dealing even post surgical recurrence cases.

The treatment comprises Detoxification and rejuvenation through Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy, administration of researched medicines internally.The therapies like Abhyanga swedam, Nasyam, Patra Potala swedam, Choorna Pinda swedam, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Kadeevasthy, Greevavasthy, Navarakizhi, Vasti etc. are done as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area, strengthening the supportive tissues holding the spine, nourishing the joints through improving the circulation. Usually the treatment period is 2 – 3 weeks according to the severity of the diseases.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Disc Bulge in Chennai

Treatments & therapy

  • Abhyanga – Massages with medicated oil and herbal concoctions are proven effective in the ayurvedic treatment of slip disc. This will pave the way for complete curing of the body problem.
  • Swedana – The process, Swedana, will be instrumental in relaxing the body and reenergizing it. This is primarily a body heating medical treatment that will strengthen the cells and make the patient feel better.
  • Shodhana – Shodhana will help in expelling toxic substances from the body. It will detoxify the body and purify it. The person will feel rejuvenated after the treatment method.

Further, ayurvedic treatment processes for the patient will include Nasyam and Vasti. The complete course would be prepared only after analysing the physical condition, the status or severity of doshas, familial history and other relevant aspects by the panel of doctors at the clinic.

Agasti ayurveda has been curing patients with slip disc and disc prolapse issues since long. Our ayurvedic experts along with the team medical professionals, employ a proven ayurveda disc prolapse treatment and slip disc treatment method. We don’t stake false claims. All our statements are based on successful treatment of the patients. The ayurvedic treatment for slip disc and disc bulge ayurveda treatment, pursued by Agasti ayurveda hospital, has been formulated after years of exhaustive research and analysis based on the ayurvedic scriptures. Therefore, the efficacy of the treatment is guaranteed. You can consult our experienced Ayurveda doctors to know more about the ailment and the course of treatment. Each person is different, so is his or her physical and medical condition. We derive a treatment methodology after examining the patient only. Rather than advising the same course of medication and diet control for each one. The custom tailored ayurvedic treatment for slip disc will remove the ailment completely and re energize the person completely, to perform all the duties as earlier. We have become the leading Ayurveda centre in chennai for various medical problems, through result-oriented and effective treatment processes. You can reach out to us to know more about the ayurvedic treatment for disc bulge, slip disc and other medical issues.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Slip Disc in Chennai

Yoga for a bulging disc

Ayurvedic Hospital for Disc Bulge in Chennai

If you have been diagnosed with a disc problem or think you have one, it's important to discuss yoga for a slipped disc in the lower back with your orthopedist. While many yoga poses may help, others may hurt. And it's not the same for everybody.

Also, be sure to inform your yoga instructor about your particular spinal condition. In general, forward folds are not a good idea for people with disc problems because they compress the discs and can push them further out of place. Listen to your body. It'll usually send you a clear message whether a pose is right or wrong for your condition.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold): This pose involves touching your feet while being seated with your legs stretched out straight in front of you. It is meant to stretch the spine amongst other things and can therefore be harmful to a person with a herniated disc.

Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose): The objective here is the same as mentioned above, i.e. – to be able to touch your toes. This pose involves doing it standing. Variations could involve raising your leg instead of bending forward. Still the Big Toe pose is harmful for an already injured back.

Baddha Konsana (The Butterfly Pose): This is a seated pose where the soles of your feet touch each other. While the pose stretches the groin, abdomen and inner thighs it can have an adverse effect on the back.

Marichyasana: This pose has four variations with the first one being most harmful for a herniated disc. Marichyasana 1 requires you to sit with one leg stretched out and the other bent. Then one must put their arm around the bent knee and bend forward.

Upavistha Konsana: Here your legs are spread wide until you are seated almost at a 180 degree angle. Then you need to bend forward. This pose effectively helps activate your core and stretch your inner legs. But it can make a herniated disc much worse.

Marjaryasana (Cat/Cow/Camel pose): This is a very popular yoga pose that involves being on all four limbs. While some stretches done in this position may not hamper a herniated disc, it is best to avoid this pose entirely as it involves rounding your back.

Sasangasana (Rabbits Pose): A step ahead of the cat pose is the rabbit pose. This involves a deep stretching of the back when on your knees. It helps lengthen the spine but should not be tried when suffering from a herniated disc.

Why agasti ayurveda is best in disc problem treatment?

For details regarding Agasti Ayurveda’s un healthy disc management, get in touch with us via phone or write to us. You can also pay a visit at the Agasti ayurveda hospital in ECR road Chennai. We are here since 7 years ,our experienced therapists and most experienced doctors will guide you through each and every process. The best thing you can avail from us is our care and we only use traditional oils, lepams etc. We strictly use wood made treatment beds as we know you deserve the most authentic way to treat a disease and the most traditional way possible by mankind. We will only use medicines prepared by us to administer in a treatment we won’t use readymade preparations for the same. We’d be happy to guide you through all the therapy procedures and make sure to provide you the most suitable Ayurvedic treatment for your problems.

Ayurvedic Doctors for Disc Bulge in Chennai