According to Ayurveda the degenerative conditions affecting brain are mainly due to vitiation of vata dosha, this vitiation or change from normalcy is mainly due to obstruction or blockage in its sensory and motor activities
by other doshas (pitta and kapha) or dushyas like dhatus or malas leading to the so-called disease. Removing the blockage caused by a specific dosha and maintaining the normalcy of vata dosha is the main line of treatment, it can be effectively managed by specific oral medicines and peripheral treatment modalities.
Podikizhi is a relaxing Ayurvedic therapy that uses a specific herbal powder made of 12 rejuvenating herbs. This herbal powder is tied up in a pouch or a ‘kizhi’ which is then warmed up and used for the massage.
One various parts of the body.
Relief from headaches back pain, stress and tension. The body releases endorphins which gives a good feel to the body. Improved blood and lymph circulation. Increased energy levels and feelings of vitality
Helps reduce migraines and eye strains, Recovery of muscle soreness. Massaging on sore areas of the body encourages increased blood flow and oxygen which helps to soothe pain and reduce inflammation.
Agasti ayurveda recommends the usage of ‘Kanti Vardhaka’ herbs (glow enhancing herbs) to increase your natural skin glow. Some of them include: Haldi(turmeric)- Balances all three doshas. Daru haridra (tree turmeric)- Balances Kapha and Pitta doshas.
Just like your neck, back, and shoulders, your feet can also benefit from a regular rubdown. Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems.
Herbal steam Bath has been in practice from ancient times, providing an amazing range of health and beauty benefits. In this treatment, the individual, simmered with herbs and medicated oils, will be exposed to steam and made to perspire. This will flush out all the toxins, impurities and excess fat from the body.
Health Benefits of Steam, Clearing congestion, Improving skin health, Lowering blood pressure, Improving circulation, Easing bronchitis symptoms, Workout recovery, Relaxation, Lowering joint stiffness.
Navara facial is a procedure where the face is massaged with medicated navara paste. Navara is a type of rice which is rich in husk and hence has a great effect in healing chapped and blemished skin by removing the outermost dead cell layer. The paste is used for massaging the face.
The benefits of navara facial is the milk and other ingredients act as a good cleanser, the rice is a good scrubber and at the same time nourishes the skin leaving the skin soft and glowing at the end of the therapy. Navara facial is very beneficial in acne vulgaris, hyperpigmentation, dull and blemished skin.
As the name suggests, a herbal facial is a very healthy and natural way to clear all dirt and toxins from your face to promote glowing, refreshed skin. This type of facial contains a specific type of herb or even a combination of them, such as chamomile, comfrey, elder blossoms, and the like. Benefits of getting this facial-Improve blood circulation, give a healthy glow, calm your nerves, loosen debris and unclog pores, oxygenate and hydrate your skin.
The natural properties of henna help promote hair growth exponentially. The powder form of this ingredient can also be used to create an essential oil that nourishes and promotes hair growth.
Henna directly affects the scalp, assisting in improving follicle health. This helps curb hair fall, and also prevents and corrects hair thinning.